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Will Stargate Make Moonshot a Reality?
The changes I have seen in cancer research since my diagnosis in 2009 have been nothing short of remarkable. Could this next generation of exploration finally produce a cure? In 2016, the Cancer Moonshot initiative was launched to tackle one of humanity’s most challenging diseases. By fostering innovation, collaboration, and equity, it holds the potential…
It’s the circle of life
It’s the circle of lifeAnd it moves us allThrough despair and hope I felt the circle of life direct from The Lion King last night. I got a chance to reflect with one of the doctors on my cancer journey, Dr. Paul Chapman from MSK. When I first met him in 2009 at MSK he…
How and Why Clinical Trials are Considered for Cancer Patients
Hear from a medical oncologist at Maryland Oncology Hematology how he thinks about treatment decisions for his patients. Why would he consider clinical trials and how does he go about it? This will give you information and questions to apply to your treatment journey. You can replay this webinar from the below link