Category: Resources

  • Interferon alfa-2b

    Adjuvant pegylated interferon alfa-2b – “marginal improvements in relapse-free survival but no significant improvement in other survival outcomes”. Read more…

  • Associations and Foundations

    Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) MRA is the largest private funder of melanoma research. To date, MRA has awarded more than $38 million to 96 research programs to make transforming advances in the prevention, diagnosis and staging, and treatment of melanoma, including research in biological causes of carcinogenesis, skin screening, biomarkers, imaging, immunotherapy, molecularly targeted therapy,…

  • Melanoma Vs Vitamin D

    Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, helps keep bones strong, it improves immunity but there are other potential benefits of Vitamin D that are being studied. Here’s the lowdown on Vitamin D from a guy whose been studying it for 16 years. And a chance to listen to the Australian accent…..  

  • Melanomas Resist T-cell Therapy Through Inflammation-induced Reversible Dedifferentiation

    Melanomas resist T-cell therapy through inflammation-induced reversible dedifferentiation. Adoptive cell transfer therapies (ACTs) with cytotoxic T cells that target melanocytic antigens can achieve remissions in patients with metastatic melanomas, but tumours frequently relapse.

  • The Big C

    The Big C

    No matter what you’re fighting – cancer is a game changer.   You will never leave the same way you arrived. I’m building this Melanoma Survivor’s Manual from the perspective of a melanoma survivor. I hope you will join me to build a resource center for melanoma warriors and their caregivers to connect and stay…