Category: Blog

  • DC’s First Annual Miles For Melanoma

    DC’s First Annual Miles For Melanoma

    GO TEAM!!      Thank you for supporting team “Fighting Melanoma”. I truly appreciate all of your time and generous contributions.   We can celebrate our success at the First Annual DC Miles For Melanoma Fun Run last Sunday in Vienna, Va.  This was our first event and WE raised $45,000 that will go towards melanoma research and take us one step closer…

  • Vermurafenib – Not Everyone Is Up For A Holiday!

    Experts look at the up side of taking a drug holiday. Not everyone is convinced, but I LOVE MY HOLIDAY!! However, a vemurafenib expert discouraged any use of the drug outside of labeling. “Clinicians should not try [intermittent dosing] at home,” said Keith Flaherty, MD, from the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center in Boston. Read…

  • Three Years and One Month on Zelboraf!

    Last day in LA – taking a red-eye back to DC tonight. The visit with Dr. Ribas went great, and everything seems to be on track. I spoke with Dr. Ribas about future options, should I need to consider them. First discussed adding a MEK drug to my current BRAF treatment, though he said (and…

  • Melanoma Awareness

    Bring It On!   We are getting into the warm sun filled days of Spring and May is Melanoma Awareness Month, and throughout the country there will be fundraisers and races to promote awareness and shed some light on prevention and advocacy for this disease.  Protect your skin!   Your skin is one of your…

  • Great 22 min video with Toni Ribas, Steven O’Day & Krista Rubin!

    They discuss one of TR’s actual cases that started with interferon and then went with a vaccine approach, which failed. Today, they would have the following treatments options: ipilimumab, vemurafenib & surgical resection. The discuss what they would do if presented with the situation now. You will need to register but it is worth it…


    The one thing you can be sure about in this life is that something is going to change. Don’t be scared of change – grab hold of it with both hands, like you’re about to plunge down a steep hill on a roller coaster. Enjoy the thrill because you’re tasting life first hand! January 29th…

  • Holidays Are Always Good, Specially When They Can Extend Your Life

    Alternating Dosages of Vemurafenib Could Delay or Prevent Resistance, WOW! In a new study published today in Nature, researchers using a mouse model of melanoma were able to prevent resistance to vemurafenib by altering the dosing schedule from a continuous daily dose to an intermittent dose, suggesting a possible way to prolong the onset of resistance for melanoma…


    The holiday season is officially upon us and it is time to be thankful for all the gifts in life! I am thankful for all the new developments and discoveries that have been made in Melanoma research this year. Really amazing stuff. In fact, I heard that MD Anderson has started what they are calling…

  • The Big C

    The Big C

    No matter what you’re fighting — Cancer is a game changer. You will never leave the same way you arrived. I’m building this Melanoma Survivor’s Manual from the perspective of a melanoma survivor. I hope you will join me to build a resource center for melanoma warriors and their caregivers to connect and stay at…